
CMS Integration

PIM and CMS Integration: A Recipe for Seamless Content Management

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly striving to manage and distribute their content efficiently and effectively. This is where Product Information Management (PIM) and Content Management System (CMS) come into play. PIM refers to the process of centrally managing…

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A/B Test

A/B Test like a pro: Understanding experiment results

A/B testing is an online experiment used to compare possible enhancements to a controls, or original, version of a website, mobile application. Learn how to get started with A/B testing for your company or group. You now live in a…

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Embedded analytics: how to monetise your data?

Today, companies have access to a wide range of highly coveted data about customers, such as their lifetime, browsing habits, consumption habits, interests, etc. According to a study, however, only a few companies monetise their data. If you have evaluated…

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How can Big Data be used to benefit sales activity?

In order to remain competitive, today’s businesses, whether small, medium or large, must seize the best that the data revolution has to offer. Known as digital black gold, grey gold or the new oil, it’s important to understand why this…

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5 little-known benefits of embedded analytics

A company needs to provide customers and employees with accurate and up-to-date information in real time to compete and make the right decisions in time. The use of embedded analytics is therefore essential. It is a set of technical components…

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The World Wide Web Is A Great Resource To Gain Market Knowledge

The World Wide Web is a great resource for almost anything these days including shopping, conducting personal business, meeting new people, dating, networking, research, and even marketing. The Internet is used by millions of people worldwide, so it only makes sense that it…

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Create Your Marketing Machine to Plan for Marketing Success

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running around, trying to get your marketing materials put together and out the door? Are you frazzled by the marketing process, and driving your writer, designer, or printer absolutely nuts? Is your “plan” to just pick one…

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Understanding Marketing: 5 Common Misconceptions

Everybody seems to know Marketing. The world is full of Marketing gurus. We all talk about with a remarkable ease and confidence, though most of the times we are not Marketing professionals and not even close. What are the most frequent mistakes in understanding Marketing practices and…

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Does Your Company Need More Marketing? Or Just Better Marketing?

Many sales problems can be solved by improved marketing. Selling harder is often not the solution. More . . . or just better . . . marketing may be what’s needed. Marketing presents a special problem for any company that has not yet developed a…

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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