5 little-known benefits of embedded analytics

A company needs to provide customers and employees with accurate and up-to-date information in real time to compete and make the right decisions in time. The use of embedded analytics is therefore essential. It is a set of technical components needed to deliver analytics where users are browsing. But what are the benefits?

Solutions that adapt to all situations

The functionality of embedded analytics can be customised according to the needs of the customer. The aim is to provide an optimal customer experience for users. Moreover, thanks to this tool, you will be able to answer your customers' questions in a relevant way. If you want to implement solutions that are tailored to your needs, contact TOUCAN and you won't be disappointed. In addition, thanks to embedded analytics, you can offer quality products and differentiate yourself from the competition. It's also a great way to foster engagement and consumer loyalty. Similarly, monetising data has never been easier for salespeople via business intelligence, as they can charge for activating custom reports. The use of BI also gives the company a competitive edge as it will be able to bring new products to market quickly.

Simplified monitoring and fast decision making

Embedded analytics combines analytical and transactional functions in one tool. In this way, the user can view the data at any time. The information is updated instantly. This allows the user to make the right decisions at the right time. Embedded analytics can also be used to publish key result or performance indicators in business applications such as CRM or ERP on a portal or website. Users will then find all the information they need from the application they are using. In addition to this, the need for analysis and information support is reduced as the interfaces are intuitive. They will be able to help themselves without having to ask for help from the IT staff.

Versatile functionality saves time and money

Embedded analytics solutions can be adapted to all needs and situations. The functionalities offered are versatile. Also, the integration of dashboards into business applications, a website or an internet portal is secure and simplified. This avoids tedious synchronization. Finally, with embedded analytics, the user will not need to leave an application to get answers. This solution improves the customer experience and saves precious time!

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